Area of Study 6

Innovations in Music from 1900 - Present Day.


Listening List

Late Romanticism, Impressionism and Expressionism

Mahler - Symphony no. 6
Debussy - Estampes
Schoenberg - Pierrot Lunaire

Stravinsky, Rhythm and Use of Folk Material

Stravinsky - The Rite of Spring
Stravinsky - Petrushka
Bartok - Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm
Vaughan Williams - On Wenlock Edge

Atonality and Serialism

Schoenberg - Three Piano Pieces Op. 11
Schoenberg - String Quartet no. 4
Berg - Violin Concerto
Webern - Konzert Op. 24

Neoclassical Music

Stravinsky - Dumbarton Oaks
Stravinsky - Pulcinella Suite
Poulenc - Sonata for Horn Trumpet and Trombone
Schoenberg - Piano Suite Op. 25

The Darmstadt School - Integral Serialism

Messiaen - Mode de Valeurs...
Boulez - Le Marteau Sans Maitre
Stockhausen - Kreuzspiel

Exploration of Timbre

Varese - Ionisation
John Cage - Sonata and Interludes for Prepared Piano
Ligeti - Atmospheres

Electronic Music

Pierre Schaeffer - Cinq Etudes de Bruits - no. 1
Stockhausen - Gesang der Junglinge
Stockhausen - Kontakte
George Crumb - Black Angels

The Voice

Berio - Sequenza iii for voice
Stockhausen - Stimmung
Peter Maxwell-Davies - Eight Songs for a Mad King


Steve Reich - Clapping Music
Steve Reich - Different Trains
Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians

Approaches to Tradition

Ligeti - Chamber Concerto
Schnittke - Concerto Grosso no. 1 - Rondo
Berio - Sinfonia
Shostakovich - Symphony no. 8

Modern Music 1980 onwards

Ligeti - Piano Etudes
Thomas Ades - Asyla
Thomas Ades - Arcadiana
Kaija Saariaho - Sept Papillons
Abrahamsen - Let Me Tell You